
(276) 340-6634


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20 E Main St, Suite B
Martinsville, VA 24112

The Wellness Bar : Uptown, LLC BBB Business Review


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What is an IV Drip?

An IV Drip, or “cocktail”, is a mixture of hydrating fluids, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are administered through an IV inserted directly into the vein in the arm. In addition to IV drips, we also offer intramuscular injections for specific treatments.

Why drip?

IV drips are versatile with many uses. They’re fast and effective at delivering fluids rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the blood stream. Because the fluids bypass the digestive system, a higher percentage of the nutrients can be absorbed than by taking vitamins orally. You can use IV drips to address several health needs: dehydration, colds, flu, COVID recovery, immune boosting, hangovers, nausea, migraines, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, stress, athletic training or recovery, skin and hair rejuvenation, anti-aging, jet lag, etc.

Are drips safe?

Yes! All of our drip’s ingredients are obtained from FDA approved compounding pharmacies- the same pharmacies that hospitals, ERs, urgent cares, and doctor’s offices obtain their medications from. While there is a chance an individual might have an allergy to one of the ingredients, this is typically rare. A licensed medical provider will consult with you directly to review your medical history and to ensure that there are no contraindications to you receiving one of the drips. There are also trained medical professionals in the Bar for the duration of your treatment should any problems or concerns arise, or if you have any questions.

Where do the vitamins come from?

All of our vitamins are sourced from 503b FDA approved compounding pharmacies here in the United States. We pride ourselves on using on the highest-quality and safest ingredients in the industry.

Are drips covered by insurance?

We do not accept private insurance. However, our treatments are generally far less expensive than most co-pays of an urgent care facility or an emergency room visit. Additionally, many health plans and HSAs may reimburse for services on request.

Who administers the treatments?

Our Bar is owned and operated by a board-certified Nurse Practitioner who has over 15 years of experience. You will receive a health screening prior to receiving any of our cocktails. The IVs are inserted and the treatments are monitored by our NP and by licensed nurses.

How much does it cost?

The cost of each treatment varies based on what cocktail or shot you choose. Ranging from about $25 to $250, clients agree- the benefits and the investment in their health is worth it!

How quickly does it work?

Because the vitamins are injected directly into the blood stream, most clients notice an immediate improvement in the way they feel.

Can children get drips?

While it is typically safe for children to receive IV drips, we do not treat individuals under the age of 18. Adolescents aged 16 and up may receive our services with the signed consent of their legal guardian, who must remain present throughout the duration of their visit.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t drip?

Yes, there are certain conditions that would prevent us from recommending IV therapy. We will perform a targeted medical history on all of our clients prior to starting therapy, and we will discuss this in more detail during your consultation.

Does it hurt?

While everyone tolerates pain differently, the process of inserting an IV is relatively simple with minimal discomfort. For clients who are more sensitive to pain, we do have ways to make it less uncomfortable. The actual administration of the cocktail itself is painless.

Are there side effects?

Generally, IV drips are very safe with no side effects. Some clients do have some discomfort with the injection, or may have some redness or bruising at the IV site afterwards. Rarely, there is a chance of an allergy to one of the ingredients. All of our providers and nurses are specially trained to handle any concern that arises.

Are appointments required?

Appointments are highly suggested for IV drips, but we will accommodate walk-ins if possible. Appointments can be made online, or by calling/messaging us.

Do you offer anything besides IVs?

YES! We also have intramuscular injections, an Oxygen Bar, a Himalayan Salt Cave, Red Light Therapy, and a variety of CBD products.